News: invited speakers announced!
Please note: the following schedule is preliminary. Time slots may be subject of change!
Welcome by Organizers (10 minutes)
Regular Paper: Fair Division with Storage and an Application to Water Allocation
Eyal Briman, Nimrod Talmon, Stephane Airiau, Umberto Grandi, Jerome Lang, Jerome Mengin, and Faria Nasiri Mofakham
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Computing Efficient Envy-Free Partial Allocations of Indivisible Goods
Robert Bredereck, Andrzej Kaczmarczyk, Junjie Luo, and Bin Sun
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Distribution Aggregation via Continuous Thiele’s Rules
Jonathan Wagner and Reshef Meir
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Adjusting Adjusted Winner
Robert Bredereck, Eyal Briman, Bin Sun, and Nimrod Talmon
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Defining Compatibility for Moral Preferences: a Condition based on Suzumura Consistency
Guillaume Gervois, Gauvain Bourgne, and Marie-Jeanne Lesot
20 minutes
Published Paper: Learning multiple multicriteria additive models from heterogeneous preferences (ADT 2024)
Vincent Auriau, Khaled Belahcene, Emmanuel Malherbe, and Vincent Mousseau
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Algorithms for Collaborative Harmonization
Eyal Briman, Eyal Leizerovich and Nimrod Talmon
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Equitable Mechanism Design for Facility Location
Toby Walsh
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Properties of Egalitarian Sequences of Committees: Theory and Experiments
Paula Böhm, Robert Bredereck, and Till Fluschnik
20 minutes
Regular Paper: Proportional Participatory Budgeting with Projects Interaction
Roy Fairstein, Reshef Meir and Kobi Gal
20 minutes
Published Paper: Fine-Grained Liquid Democracy for Cumulative Ballots (AAMAS 2024)
Matthias Köppe, Krzysztof Sornat, Martin Koutecký, and Nimrod Talmon
20 minutes
Regular Paper: A Non-Jury Theorem when Voters Can Abstain
Ganesh Ghalme and Reshef Meir
20 minutes
Closing Remarks (10 minutes)
Services: ECAI will provide coffee and refreshments during coffee breaks and lunch during lunch break.
Economics and Computation: The Second Edition
Lincs, a Python library for non-compensatory sorting